4 Data Center Cable Management Tips To Keep Things Organized

4 Data Center Cable Management Tips To Keep Things Organized

Improper cabling can be a major problem not only for your data center but also for your business. The good news is that, with some planning, you can improve your cable management and maximize the efficiency and reliability of your data center. Here are a few...
The Rise Of Edge Data Centers: What Are They And How Are They Used?

The Rise Of Edge Data Centers: What Are They And How Are They Used?

Edge data centers are small facilities positioned in growing markets or on the outskirts of existing networks. Edge data centers allow companies to access cloud computing resources to deliver content and services to local users. Operated by colocation providers, edge...
What Are the Benefits of Containment Systems in a Data Facility?

What Are the Benefits of Containment Systems in a Data Facility?

As a data center manager, storing your data and other electronic products is your ultimate task. Your primary role is to make sure that data hardware is professionally stored to avoid incidents or accidents that could have negative impacts on that data. However, there...
7 Tips for Keeping Your IT Equipment Cool

7 Tips for Keeping Your IT Equipment Cool

A 2011 survey predicted that information technology (IT) capacity would be surpassed at more than 38% of major companies within a year and a half. Having adequate data center products, including the right server racks, is crucial for effective IT management. One of...
The Importance of Data Center Products

The Importance of Data Center Products

Storage is a crucial function in information technology (IT). A survey showed that 25% of customers would pick storage if required to choose a single application to keep in the cloud. By shifting storage to the cloud, 82% of companies say they’ve saved on costs....
7 Ways To Improve the Cost-Efficiency Of Your Edge Data Centers

7 Ways To Improve the Cost-Efficiency Of Your Edge Data Centers

An estimated 82% of organizations have experienced decreased costs since joining the cloud computing movement. But managing a data center or edge data centers that directly support this technology doesn’t always come cheap. To continue giving such organizations...