Colocation or In-House Data Centers?

Colocation or In-House Data Centers?

There are pros and cons when regarding whether or not to outsource your data storage or keep it in-house. Keeping your business data in-house gives you complete freedom and accessibility over your data storage. However, over 65% of IT equipment failures are directly...
Amazon Plans to Build Large-Scale Data Center in Virginia

Amazon Plans to Build Large-Scale Data Center in Virginia

Amazon Web Services is making another large-scale business venture. The e-commerce giant has proposed building a data center up to 1.75 million square feet near the Dulles International Airport in Loudon County, Virginia. The 100.18-acre land, which Amazon purchased...
3 Tips to Successfully Scale Your Data Center

3 Tips to Successfully Scale Your Data Center

Scaling your data center is no small undertaking. Scaling means you’re able to handle an increase in work, output, and sales in a reasonable way without harming your business. Your data center needs to be able to collect, store, process, and distribute large...