BUSTED: 3 Myths About Edge Data Centers

BUSTED: 3 Myths About Edge Data Centers

The future of data centers is already on its way. With the data racks and server racks capable of guaranteeing a power density that is 100 times more than that of a large commercial office building, data center products only have one way to go: up! Or, in the case of...
3 Ways a Data Center Can Benefit from a Thermal Containment System

3 Ways a Data Center Can Benefit from a Thermal Containment System

Edge data centers are responsible for housing the critical components of a network. They rely on the continual running of machines, and with this constant expenditure of energy comes rising temperatures. From servers to the racks that house them to cables, it is...
Functional Testing For Data Center Server Racks

Functional Testing For Data Center Server Racks

Data centers face challenges today because infrastructure is built to last 25 years or more while technology changes every two years or so. You need functional testing so that you can see if your data center infrastructure supports your current technology and...
GIGA Data Centers Builds New Facility In North Carolina

GIGA Data Centers Builds New Facility In North Carolina

Did you know that in 2011, 38% of large companies were expected to exceed their IT capacity within 18 months? That kind of history goes to show how quickly society has been innovating on a technological level. As a direct result of such rapid advancement, data has...