The Importance of Data Center Products

The Importance of Data Center Products

Storage is a crucial function in information technology (IT). A survey showed that 25% of customers would pick storage if required to choose a single application to keep in the cloud. By shifting storage to the cloud, 82% of companies say they’ve saved on costs....
7 Ways To Improve the Cost-Efficiency Of Your Edge Data Centers

7 Ways To Improve the Cost-Efficiency Of Your Edge Data Centers

An estimated 82% of organizations have experienced decreased costs since joining the cloud computing movement. But managing a data center or edge data centers that directly support this technology doesn’t always come cheap. To continue giving such organizations...
How to Ensure that Your Data Center Runs at Maximum Efficiency

How to Ensure that Your Data Center Runs at Maximum Efficiency

If you work in a data center, then you understand the importance of operating in the most efficient manner possible. Your time is valuable, so it pays to be certain that every piece of equipment you have is working at maximum capability. Too many people ignore the...
Top 5 Benefits of Using Server Racks in Data Centers

Top 5 Benefits of Using Server Racks in Data Centers

According to green computing norms, data centers that have been in existence for more than seven years are considered outdated. However, trends show that a data center can normally perform for an average of nine years. A data center that’s less than 10 years old...